
Stay updated on the latest marine research and conservation news with Oceans Research. Explore our insightful articles and discoveries.

Shark Chronicles 090 – I don’t wanna leave!

Posted by Sam Hagen on June 8, 2011

So far I have only been here for six days and it has been an absolutely life changing experience for me. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 090 – I don’t wanna leave!

Shark Chronicles 089 – First impact with Mossel Bay

Posted by Bryce Colby on May 12, 2011

After being accepted as an Oceans Research intern I was thrilled that I would have the opportunity to work with leading field experts in marine research and, more specifically, having the opportunity to work in close proximity with Great White sharks. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 089 – First impact with Mossel Bay

Shark Chronicles 088 – Olivia

Posted by Dorien Schröder on February 25, 2011

A couple of weeks ago an Italian film crew came to Mossel Bay to make a documentary on the research that Oceans does. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 088 – Olivia

Shark Chronicles 087 – Testimonials

Posted by Oceans Research Interns on February 1, 2011

Some snippets from the January 2011 Interns

Shark Chronicles 087 – Testimonials

Shark Chronicles 086 – Pills

Posted by Oceans Research Interns on January 12, 2011

Let's hear from some of our interns:

Shark Chronicles 086 – Pills

Shark Chronicles 085 – Passion, inspiration and determination

Posted by Kayla Melton on January 3, 2011

I never knew it was possible for one single experience to define your life until now. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 085 – Passion, inspiration and determination

Shark Chronicles 084 – What is research about at Oceans Research?

Posted by David van Beuningen on December 24, 2010

On our day of arrival we were met by a friendly bunch of people of all different nationalities but with a common interest, the conservation and public awareness of marine life. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 084 – What is research about at Oceans Research?

Shark Chronicles 083 – Not only chumming

Posted by Rachael Cashman & Karina Harum on November 26, 2010

As with any research project, there are factors that cannot be controlled. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 083 – Not only chumming

Shark Chronicles 082 – A Day At The Breach

Posted by Robert Conrad on October 11, 2010

As we boarded Cheetah, we immediately fell into our “pre-chumming” routine. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 082 – A Day At The Breach

Shark Chronicles 083 – A strange new month

Posted by Michael Reynolds on

The month of October started off with a lot of big changes, switching from 12 interns to 4 in the house. Things have quieted down a bit but there is still a lot of work being done. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 083 – A strange new month

Shark Chronicles 081 – Beach Clean-up Day in Mossel Bay

Posted by By Rachel Morley & Chris Henderson on October 1, 2010

The day started with an early morning wake up, quite tough on a Saturday but we were all keen to help out! Read more...

Shark Chronicles 081 – Beach Clean-up Day in Mossel Bay

Shark Chronicles 081 – Beach Clean-up Day in Mozambique

Posted by Jon Wright on September 30, 2010

September 25th was International Beach Clean-up Day. Meeting time was 8:00 AM, which apparently translates to 11:00 AM Mozambican time -- when the young kids from the local school finally arrived. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 081 – Beach Clean-up Day in Mozambique

Shark Chronicles 080 – This is Sparta!

Posted by Natasha Riches & Alexandra Rosskopf on August 30, 2010

Pinocchio was the first shark that we tracked, so it was exciting to see where she went when she was not at Seal Island trying to steal our bait, whilst chumming. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 080 – This is Sparta!

Shark Chronicles 079 – Dusky Aliwal

Posted by Ryan Daly on

Having been in Scottburgh for 3 weeks now, we have managed to get 13 dives in, 6 baited dives and 7 reef dives. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 079 – Dusky Aliwal

Shark Chronicles 078 – One of our own

Posted by Simon Elwen on August 23, 2010

For the first time in my career as a marine mammal biologist, I saw one of my study animals dead. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 078 – One of our own

Shark Chronicles 077 – What is the sound of one manta breaching?

Posted by Christine Chan on

Even though Zàvora isn't the place to see whale sharks – tourist haven Tofo a couple hours up the coast is – they do come sometimes. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 077 – What is the sound of one manta breaching?

Shark Chronicles 076 – A brand new first month

Posted by Robert Conrad, Katie Cummings & Brittany Hahn on August 8, 2010

As our ten-person car stuttered along the beautiful coastline of Mossel bay towards the Ocean’s Office & House, feelings of excitement and nervousness began to set in. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 076 – A brand new first month

Shark Chronicles 075 – Life in Zavora: the small adventurous Lab in Mozambique

Posted by Jesse Alpert on August 5, 2010

You wake up around 7AM from the sunshine beaming through your window and make the decision of whether you want to make breakfast or not. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 075 – Life in Zavora: the small adventurous Lab in Mozambique

Shark Chronicles 074 – Etosha National Park… a small taste of Eden

Posted by Lucille Chapuis on August 2, 2010

Although we enjoy greatly the aquatic fauna of Walvis Bay (Namibia), we were quite happy when Simon accepted to let us have 3 days off in a row, which allowed us to visit the one of the world’s greatest wildlife reserves: Etosha National Park, 20 000 sq km of inland protected habitats, around the Etosha Pan, a huge flat and saline desert that is transformed in a lagoon during the rainy season. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 074 – Etosha National Park… a small taste of Eden

Shark Chronicles 073 – First Shark Lab’s experiments

Posted by Enrico Gennari on July 27, 2010

It’s been an active week at the aquarium.

Shark Chronicles 073 – First Shark Lab’s experiments

Shark Chronicles 072 – Stranding season continues

Posted by Simon Elwen on July 26, 2010

It seems to be a season of many strandings. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 072 – Stranding season continues

Shark Chronicles 071 – Skeleton Coast Marine Lab

Posted by Caroline Budden on

Hello! My name is Caroline and I am currently an intern at the Namibia Dolphin Project. I arrived here on the 1st of July from the UK. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 071 – Skeleton Coast Marine Lab

Shark Chronicles 71 – Raggies at Aliwal

Posted by Christina Marmet on July 23, 2010

Since the last time we blogged, the weather has greatly improved and we were able to go back to diving! Last Saturday and Wednesday, we did two “shark” dives. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 71 – Raggies at Aliwal

Shark Chronicles 070 – Aliwal Marine Lab

Posted by Enrico Gennari on July 16, 2010

Since arriving in Scottsburgh, we have gone on seven dives in about 10 days. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 070 – Aliwal Marine Lab

Shark Chronicles 069 – The longest white shark manual tracking ever done

Posted by Enrico Gennari on June 30, 2010

Last week (22-26 June) we tracked Pinocchio, a 2.3m female great white shark with two continuous tags providing us information on her swimming depth, water temperature at that depth and muscle temperature, every second. After a lot of cold nights and long days we managed to break the current record for continuous manual tracking of a great white. Our new record is 106 hours. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 069 – The longest white shark manual tracking ever done

Shark Chronicles 068 – Seal surveys and late-night predations

Posted by Lindsay L. Graff on May 29, 2010

Not every moment spent at the Oceans research station in Mossel Bay can be devoted purely to the chumming and tracking of great white sharks. In order to fully understand the hunting and feeding behavior of these sharks, it is necessary to spend some time looking at the driving factor behind their actions; the seals (actually sea lions) of Seal Island. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 068 – Seal surveys and late-night predations

Shark Chronicles 067 – Tracking Pinocchio

Posted by Chris Pulham on May 12, 2010

Having arrived in Mossel Bay just a couple of days previously, Monday morning found our group of new interns chumming for white sharks just off Seal Island. Having been prepared to spend an hour or two waiting for our first glimpse of dorsal fin, we were almost unprepared when, within 10 minutes, the first shark appeared at our bait. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 067 – Tracking Pinocchio

Shark Chronicles 066 – Road trip

Posted by Renae Logston on April 19, 2010

Last weekend, April 10th and 11th, the four interns got their first weekend off of the month. Jethro, Leisbeth, Rodney and I, Renae, decided to go for a road trip to Cango and the surrounding towns. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 066 – Road trip

Shark Chronicles 065- We love you Pasella

Posted by Nick Baechtiger on March 12, 2010

Working with Oceans here in Mossel Bay is an amazing experience. We are currently a group of four interns, Rodney, Rachel, Jethro and myself, Nick. I flew directly from my cold country to the warm and more attractive climate of South Africa. I have only been here for two weeks and I already made a lot of wonderful experiences. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 065- We love you Pasella

Shark Chronicles 064 – A brand new year!

Posted by David Delaney on February 17, 2010

The first two weeks of February have been a week of arrivals of departures of personnel. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 064 – A brand new year!

Shark Chronicles 063 – Final week of November

Posted by Rachel Walls on December 10, 2009

The final week of November was also the final week for several of the interns. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 063 – Final week of November

Shark Chronicles 062 – A brand new day

Posted by Rachel Walls & Chelsea Bradbury on November 16, 2009

Mossel Bay had turned into a ghost town with no sharks to be seen for about one month. The Oceans Research team were starting to get worried, with the occasional 2.5m passing through Grootbrak but no sign of shark activity at the island since September 29th; where have they gone?! Read more...

Shark Chronicles 062 – A brand new day

Shark Chronicles 061 – Ups and down of OCEANS daily lives

Posted by Nate Schmidt on November 2, 2009

Slow week for sharks, but we are getting plenty of exercise in elasmobranch anatomy. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 061 – Ups and down of OCEANS daily lives

Shark Chronicles 060 – A day at sea to remember

Posted by Jeremy Frimond on October 9, 2009

On October 1, 2009 a new, green lot of interns arrived at Mossel Bay eager to get to work. Wasting no time, the program leaders got us out on the boat and down to business, chumming for sharks around Seal Island. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 060 – A day at sea to remember

Shark Chronicles 059 – Different fauna

Posted by Sylvain Haldimann on September 21, 2009

During the beginning of the week two of us went at sea with Simon Elwen and Ryan Johnson, to make a whale survey offshore. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 059 – Different fauna

Shark Chronicles 058 – Echoes in science forever

Posted by Lizzy Fitzsimmons on September 20, 2009

This story really begins 2 weeks ago with a crazy Italian man, a spear gun, 3 tags and one promiscuous shark.....tracking had begun! Read more...

Shark Chronicles 058 – Echoes in science forever

Shark Chronicles 057 – One month in Mossel Bay… Not enough!

Posted by Piera Carpi on August 24, 2009

It is the beginning of my last weekend here... Read more...

Shark Chronicles 057 – One month in Mossel Bay… Not enough!

Shark Chronicles 056 – 80% more Science

Posted by Gavin Morrison & Erin Moran on August 14, 2009

Here in Mossel Bay we have 80% more Science! Read more...

Shark Chronicles 056 – 80% more Science

Shark Chronicles 055 – A Swiss in SA

Posted by Sylvain Haldimann on August 9, 2009

There are a lot of things to discover and to learn when you arrive for an internship at Oceans. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 055 – A Swiss in SA

Shark Chronicles 054 – Tracking week

Posted by Niels D Ernst-Williams on July 21, 2009

The week began with an introduction to tracking from Oli for those of us who hadn't done it before. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 054 – Tracking week

Shark Chronicles 053 – Cold seal survey

Posted by Elisa Schaum on July 14, 2009

Nights on seal survey are amazingly interesting (counting seals, creating bioluminescence, watching Enrico do charades, looking out for sharks, and wondering if the southern hemisphere is ever going to get its seasons right). Nights on seal survey are amazingly cold, too. And having people forget to bring sleeping bags certainly does not help. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 053 – Cold seal survey

Shark Chronicles 052 – Gale force weeks

Posted by Enrico Gennari on July 8, 2009

“The National Weather Service in Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa has issued a gale warning for the entire coast of the Western Cape- Winds are expected to reach 70-80km/h and waves are expected to reach over 15m. Ocean going vessels, especially small craft are urged to seek immediate safe harbour.” Read more...

Shark Chronicles 052 – Gale force weeks

Shark Chronicles 051 – Port control Port Control

Posted by Fiona Graham & Siân Fôch-Gatrell on June 25, 2009

“Port Control, Port Control, coming from Cheetah, over!”

Shark Chronicles 051 – Port control Port Control

Shark Chronicles 051 – Alek 28-29 May

Posted by Enrico Gennari on May 29, 2009

Our adventure of tracking Alek in Mossel Bay, like everything in doing research, had its ups and downs and in the last 3 days we have fully experienced it. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 051 – Alek 28-29 May

Shark Chronicles 050 – Alek 26 May – shift 9-18

Posted by Enrico Gennari on May 26, 2009

We change over at 9 am and surprise surprise... Read more...

Shark Chronicles 050 – Alek 26 May – shift 9-18

Shark Chronicles 049 – Alek 26 May – shift 1-9

Posted by Enrico Gennari on

During the 1-9am shift (which is pretty brutal hours on the sleep but very exciting none the less!) Alek the Great White headed back to the Island after we took over from Ryan and his team and went about its sharky business swimming in circuits round and round, possibly on the look out for lone seals. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 049 – Alek 26 May – shift 1-9

Shark Chronicles 048 – Alek 25 May – shift 18-01

Posted by Enrico Gennari on

Alek decided to leave Seal Island as soon as we took over the shift. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 048 – Alek 25 May – shift 18-01

Shark Chronicles 047 – Alek’s adventure begins

Posted by Enrico Gennari, Claire Bisseling , Becky Lindsay & Shaun Rohrer on May 25, 2009

Five interns went chumming in the morning with Oceans director Enrico with the intention of tagging a white shark to track it at least for the next 48 hours. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 047 – Alek’s adventure begins

Shark Chronicles 046 – A month of change

Posted by Becky Lindsay & Alex Hazeldean on May 14, 2009

The beginning of each new month is always a busy and exciting time at Oceans, the beginning of May has been no exception. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 046 – A month of change

Shark Chronicles 046 – Good bye summer

Posted by Dorien Schröder, Gill Mackie & Chris Croxson on April 6, 2009

As summer draws to an end and winter sets in, we believe big sharks to be coming into the area. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 046 – Good bye summer

Shark Chronicles 045 – How a research project starts

Posted by Dylan Irion on March 19, 2009

With the new year comes new projects and goals for the Oceans team. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 045 – How a research project starts

Shark Chronicles 044 – Just another day at the office

Posted by Sam Snow & Rachel Turner on March 11, 2009

This week was a week of excitement and change here at Oceans. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 044 – Just another day at the office

Shark Chronicles 043 – Tracking a shark in the river

Posted by Sam Snow & Mike Barron on February 25, 2009

This past week afforded the Oceans interns a very special opportunity to get experience researching marine life other than Great Whites. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 043 – Tracking a shark in the river

Shark Chronicles 042 – 2009: A brand new year

Posted by Yolly Bosiger, Gill Mackie, Kathi MacDonald, Dorien Schröder, Michelle Wcisel & Sinead Kennedy on February 24, 2009

The new year got off to a fabulous start at Oceans Research (previously known as SAMPLA). Read more...

Shark Chronicles 042 – 2009: A brand new year

Shark Chronicles 041 – Reflections

Posted by Beverly Oh on January 2, 2009

As exciting as it is to wake up every morning to the familiar smell of frozen fish, hurl blood and fish guts by the bucket load on a nearly daily basis, and occasionally be rewarded by a lucky glimpse of a out-of-water breaching white shark or attempted seal predation, It is the passion and dedication of the team of SAMPLA directors, that is a joy to watch and an honour to work alongside with. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 041 – Reflections

Oceans Education & Sharklife – talk at the Dias Museum

Posted by Colleen Smart on December 11, 2008

Local school children were captivated by The Oceans team the past couple of weeks when we invited them to educational talk hosted by Oceans Education in conjunction with Sharklife, at the Diaz Museum in Mossel Bay. Read more...

Oceans Education & Sharklife – talk at the Dias Museum

Shark Chronicles 040 – Retrospective

Posted by Simone Lewis-Koskinen on November 29, 2008

As a 3-monther, SAMPLA has not only become my home, it has become a way of life. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 040 – Retrospective

Shark Chronicles 039 – The ocean, the other SAMPLA director

Posted by Riley Elliot on November 25, 2008

SAMPLA crew were still feeling the flip side of exciting research this week. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 039 – The ocean, the other SAMPLA director

Shark Chronicles 038 – A slow week at SAMPLA

Posted by Amy Prentice on November 16, 2008

It was a slow week at SAMPLA.

Shark Chronicles 038 – A slow week at SAMPLA

Shark Chronicles 037 – Another busy week in a SAMPLA intern’s life

Posted by Fabrice Jaine on November 12, 2008

This new week started quite slowly for SAMPLA interns with a day-off in order to rest from the previous weekend spent at sea with a filmmaking crew. Tuesday was dedicated to chumming and monitoring Great White Sharks in Mossel Bay. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 037 – Another busy week in a SAMPLA intern’s life

Shark Chronicles 036 – A very busy week

Posted by Elisabeth Teel & Freyja Mundig on November 4, 2008

The main focuses this week were the arrivals of new interns and sorting out a new home for our adopted green turtle, now nicknamed Crush (like the Turtle in Finding Nemo). Read more...

Shark Chronicles 036 – A very busy week

Shark Chronicles 035 – The Unpredictability of SAMPLA

Posted by Vicky Vasquez on November 3, 2008

For incoming interns, present interns and leaving interns the experiences gathered at SAMPLA are never the same. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 035 – The Unpredictability of SAMPLA

Shark Chronicles 034 – Turtle and Tiger

Posted by Freyja Munding on October 21, 2008


Shark Chronicles 034 – Turtle and Tiger

Shark Chronicles 033 – Big sharks at Seal Island

Posted by Oliver Jewell on October 9, 2008

The week started full of anticipation of finding and hopefully tagging one of the 5m sharks seen on Friday evening. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 033 – Big sharks at Seal Island

Shark Chronicles 032 – New beginnings

Posted by Simone Lewis-Koskinen on October 6, 2008

After many heartfelt goodbyes and promises of reunions from the departing September interns, the remaining three interns (Victoria, Beverly and Simone) welcomed the next batch of interns to the SAMPLA family Wednesday afternoon. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 032 – New beginnings

Shark Chronicles 031 – Shark night

Posted by Beverly Oh & Daniela Uhlig on September 29, 2008

It was another eventful week for the SAMPLA team. With the majority of the interns back in action after a bout of illnesses, attempts were once again made to relocate our runaway shark, now renamed Xena. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 031 – Shark night

Shark Chronicles 030 – A for Effort

Posted by Vicky Vasquez & Nico Tonak on September 23, 2008

The theme for SAMPLA’s progress this week is A for effort. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 030 – A for Effort

Shark Chronicles 029 – Seal in a box

Posted by Enrico Gennari on

On Sunday September 14, 2008, a stranded seal thought to have come from the Southern Antarctic islands washed up in Mossel Bay. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 029 – Seal in a box

Shark Chronicles 028 – Bitey

Posted by Simone Lewis-Koskinen on September 15, 2008

The SAMPLA team set out on another tracking adventure on Thursday. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 028 – Bitey

Shark Chronicles 027 – The “Cheetah” runs again

Posted by Beverly Oh and Alessandro Jodice on September 12, 2008

After being out of action due to engine problems, there was news that Cheetah (the other SAMPLA boat) was finally repaired and ready to hit the water again. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 027 – The “Cheetah” runs again

Shark Chronicles 026 – The power of the ocean

Posted by James Anderson on September 9, 2008

With the onset of cold and particularly windy conditions over the 1st weekend of September, SAMPLA operations temporarily ceased after an eventful, shark-filled week. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 026 – The power of the ocean

Shark Chronicles 025 – Night Time Hunting

Posted by Christine Moore on August 26, 2008

For one of the first times since “Sharkville” was released, SAMPLA crew members were able to witness a night time predation of a white shark on a seal near Seal Island. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 025 – Night Time Hunting

Shark Chronicles 024 – The ups and downs of research

Posted by Tricia Coyne on August 25, 2008

This week, the SAMPLA team’s objective was to tag a shark and track it for 48 hours. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 024 – The ups and downs of research

Shark Chronicles 023 – Stable Isotope Sampling

Posted by Amy Blessington on August 14, 2008

On Monday 11th August, a SAMPLA team including Ryan, Ed, Christine, Nico and Amy anchored by Seal Island to do some chumming. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 023 – Stable Isotope Sampling

Shark Chronicles 022 – A hunting Great White Shark

Posted by Justin Silbernagel on August 8, 2008

One of the most magnificent sights to witness in the natural world is a great white shark breeching on and successfully killing a seal. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 022 – A hunting Great White Shark

Shark Chronicles 021 – Aquarium rescue

Posted by Adam Johnstone on August 7, 2008

Until recently the main reason for the interns to visit ‘the Point’ area after a day at sea was to unwind in ‘Big Blu’, a laid back bar with spectacular views over the ocean. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 021 – Aquarium rescue

Shark Chronicles 020- 24 hour seal survey

Posted by Enrico Gennari on August 4, 2008

Never before has any research group attempted to observe seal movements for a 24 hour period. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 020- 24 hour seal survey

Shark Chronicles 019 – Following a white shark in unknown waters

Posted by Enrico Gennari on July 30, 2008

SAMPLA team managed to tag a large 3,8 meter white shark (which was previously tagged with a satellite tag) following it for a day and an half inside and outside Mossel Bay. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 019 – Following a white shark in unknown waters

Shark Chronicles 018 – White shark dissection

Posted by Enrico Gennari on July 28, 2008

SAMPLA scientist Enrico Gennari went to the Natal Shark Board last week to dissect some white sharks for his PhD. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 018 – White shark dissection

Shark Chronicles 017 – Seal Scat Collection

Posted by Enrico Gennari on July 27, 2008

The first time you cruise around Seal Island and get a good smell of the 4,500 seals your nose wrinkles but eventually you get used to the smell. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 017 – Seal Scat Collection

Shark Chronicles 016 – Seal Survey

Posted by Enrico Gennari on June 22, 2008

Cape fur seals are readily abundant here in the chilly waters off the coast of South Africa. In the heart of Mossel Bay lies an island that 4400 seals have colonized and made their resting spot. Unfortunately for the fur seals, there is a constant patrol of great white sharks. The seals have to be extremely agile and quick to avoid the stealth and teeth of the white sharks and therefore watching their behaviour as they travel to and from the island can be quite difficult. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 016 – Seal Survey

Shark Chronicles 015 – Tracking Kiddo

Posted by Enrico Gennari on June 19, 2008

SAMPLA reached another new milestone when they tagged another white shark on the outskirts of Seal Island. The 2.9 meter female was tagged on the South African holiday, Youth Day, which inspired the shark’s name, ‘Kiddo’. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 015 – Tracking Kiddo

Shark Chronicles 014 – Breach festival

Posted by Enrico Gennari on June 18, 2008

Watching a shark jumping completely out of the water in a full attack is impressive enough, but witnessing it, two days in a row, a few meters behind the boat was just stunning. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 014 – Breach festival

Shark Chronicles 013 – Tracking Zulu – 3rd team

Posted by Enrico Gennari on June 1, 2008

Enrico's team:

Shark Chronicles 013 – Tracking Zulu – 3rd team

Shark Chronicles 012 – Tracking Zulu – 2nd team

Posted by Enrico Gennari on May 31, 2008

Stephen’s team:

Shark Chronicles 012 – Tracking Zulu – 2nd team

Shark Chronicles 011 – Tracking Zulu – 1st team

Posted by Enrico Gennari on May 30, 2008

This is a report of the most exciting moments from the recent 72 hour-tracking straight from the interns’ mouths. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 011 – Tracking Zulu – 1st team

Shark Chronicles 010 – Zulu tagged

Posted by Enrico Gennari on May 24, 2008

Today, SAMPLA launched its second major tracking effort of 2008. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 010 – Zulu tagged

Shark Chronicles 009 – The interns and their first impressions

Posted by Enrico Gennari on May 4, 2008

These are the first impressions of two interns who arrived just few days ago: Read more...

Shark Chronicles 009 – The interns and their first impressions

Shark Chronicles 008 – 24 hrs tracking

Posted by Enrico Gennari & Toby Keswick on April 3, 2008

We successfully completed a twenty four hour tracking session of Sampla, our first tagged shark. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 008 – 24 hrs tracking

Shark Chronicles 007 – Following the paths of the Great White Shark

Posted by Enrico Gennari on March 29, 2008

As anticipated in the last blog episode, SAMPLA has tagged its first white shark, a female of 2.7-2.8 meters (around 9 feet) long, which we named “Sampla”. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 007 – Following the paths of the Great White Shark

Shark Chronicles 006 – The 2008 SAMPLA internship program

Posted by Enrico Gennari & Toby Keswick on March 14, 2008

Here at SAMPLA, we like to be called “dirty” scientists – perhaps a little ambiguous but it basically refers to us getting our work done in the field, with the smell of rotting fish and the ocean swell, rather than in an office (which is sometimes required, too!) Read more...

Shark Chronicles 006 – The 2008 SAMPLA internship program

Shark Chronicles 005 – The endeavour of the RV Heraclitus

Posted by Enrico Gennari & Toby Keswick on March 6, 2008

The world is still full of challenges. The main thing is you have to look for them, things just don’t happen all by themselves… So seek out adventures, as long as you can find them, as long as you can tackle them with energy and all of your effort, you’ll succeed on them.” SIR EDMUND HILLARY Read more...

Shark Chronicles 005 – The endeavour of the RV Heraclitus

Shark Chronicles 004 – Megalodon: the Prehistoric Predator

Posted by Ryan Johnson & Toby Keswick on

The Megalodon, Meg, (Carcharodon megalodon), is a prehistoric shark, amongst the largest and most formidable of the extinct marine predators. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 004 – Megalodon: the Prehistoric Predator

Shark Chronicles 003 – The elusive Zambezi (bull) shark of the Breede River

Posted by Ryan Johnson & Toby Keswick on February 20, 2008

This week saw SAMPLA travel to the Breede River in the Western Cape Province to search for South Africa’s most southerly population of Zambezi (bull) sharks. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 003 – The elusive Zambezi (bull) shark of the Breede River

Shark Chronicles 002 – Launch of the SAMPLA white shark research project

Posted by Ryan Johnson, Stephen Swanson, Enrico Gennari & Toby Keswick on February 16, 2008

SAMPLA’s inaugural week has arrived and gone, leaving an air of excitement amongst SAMPLA’s team of scientists, photographers and explorers. Read more...

Shark Chronicles 002 – Launch of the SAMPLA white shark research project

Shark Chronicles 001 – The beginning of a new era…

Posted by Toby Keswick on December 15, 2007

Welcome to the beginning of SAMPLA.

Shark Chronicles 001 – The beginning of a new era…

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