VR2W : 69 kHz Receiver

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  • Overview

    The VR2W-69 kHz is an acoustic monitoring receiver that is affordable, compact, easy to use, long-lasting and versatile. This receiver is ideal for research projects ranging from small river monitoring to freshwater lake studies to multi-researcher, multi-tracking operations in large oceanic systems.

    The VR2W is capable of identifying all VEMCO 69 kHz coded transmitters and provides researchers with a robust, reliable means of studying the migration and behaviour patterns of a wide variety of species as they travel across vast distances.

    With over 20,000 receivers deployed worldwide, researchers can leverage each others’ equipment to gather comprehensive data and share information.

    Communicating with Your Receivers
    A Bluetooth-enabled laptop or PC is required to communicate with your receivers.

    Operating Systems
    VUE requires VISTA, Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems.

    VR2W PC Communication Kit
    A VR2W PC Communication Kit is required to enable your receivers to communicate with your PC.

    For more details, see Downloads section.

    Have you looked whether you need to update your VR2s? click here

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  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How much detection range can I expect from my tags and receivers?

    Detection range depends on so many factors that it is difficult to estimate without knowledge of the environment and prior experience with telemetry. Range depends on transmission power, signal absorption, line of sight, reflection/refraction, multipath and environmental noise (man-made & natural), and the receiving quality of the receiver/hydrophone. Typically areas that have clear water, sand or silt flat bottoms and low current exhibit the greatest ranges. Conversely, areas with turbid water, complex rocky bottom topography and high current exhibit low ranges. In all cases, extreme weather events and periods of high wind (waves) may significantly reduce range.

    In most cases greater transmission power output (dB) results in greater range. For example, in good conditions a V7-VR2W range test could yield a range of 300-400 m and a V16-VR2W test could yield ranges of 800-1200 m. There are some exceptions where high power and a reflective and low noise environment may cause detection breakdowns.

    Please try our Range Calculator but only use the results as a guide. One should always perform range testing to determine appropriate receiver spacing. For the enthusiast who wants to learn more about sound propagation, try the widely accepted reference on underwater sound by Urick (1983). (Urick, Robert J. Principles of Underwater Sound, 3rd Edition. New York. McGraw-Hill, 1983.).

    Are VEMCO receivers and tags compatible with another company’s receiver and/or tags?

    No, VEMCO receivers and coded transmitters are not compatible with other vendor’s equipment. Our receivers and transmitters are designed to work as a system using the VEMCO proprietary coding system. Some manufacturers make claims of compatibility but these are false. Over time, we change code maps and tag and receiver firmware and hardware to enhance both functionality and coding options to allow you to conduct research and data analysis with confidence. We cannot provide support for data analysis (e.g., VPS, false detect analysis, biological analysis) for any data that might originate from non VEMCO tags or receivers.

    How long will my VR2W battery last?

    VR2W receivers are to be used with a Tadiran TL-5930/F Lithium Inorganic 3.6V battery or equivalent. These batteries will last approximately 12-15 months in a 69 kHz receiver and 8-10 months in a 180 kHz receiver. Frequent communication via Bluetooth and your PC will consume more battery life than when the receiver is in RECORD mode.

    You cannot rely on the battery voltage in VUE as an indicator of remaining life due to the discharge characteristics of this battery type. To ensure you are always using a battery with enough remaining life, we recommend tracking actual time the battery has been in use by writing deployment/retrieval dates directly on the battery. Inspect the battery case prior to deployment and do not use if there is any damage.

    These batteries have a shelf life of approximately 5 years. Store these batteries at room temperature and always disconnect the battery in the VR2W if you plan on storing your receivers for any long periods (i.e. months at a time).

    For information on how to change your receiver’s battery, please refer to Section 2 of the VR2W User Manual (see Downloads Section)

    You may ask our sale consultant about alternative battery options.

    Can I convert my 69kHz VR2W receiver into a 180kHz receiver?

    No, the VR2W-69kHz and VR2W-180kHz receivers are two completely different receivers with specific hardware.

    Does receiver orientation matter?

    Generally, in most cases we recommend that a VR2W should be orientated with the hydrophone looking upwards. This is typically because receivers are commonly moored closer to the seafloor than the surface. In some situations it may be beneficial to mount the receiver with the hydrophone pointing towards the sea floor. If a receiver is mounted near the surface or a considerable distance from the sea floor and if the researcher is monitoring benthic creatures a bottom looking receiver may perform better because your tagged animals will not be in a shadow zone (under the receiver). If receiver orientation is a concern, we recommend that you perform range tests.

    At low tide my VR2W receiver will be exposed to direct sunlight. Does this matter?

    The VR2W has a recommended operating temperature range of -5 to 40oC. If there is a possibility that your receiver will exceed either of these temperatures, please consider another deployment location. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause the internal temperature of the black receiver case to reach temperatures much higher than the ambient temperature.

    My VR2W has detected ID’s that do not belong to me. What should I do?

    We would be very pleased to help connect with the owners of these unknown IDs. VEMCO Customer Service section contains detailed information on our procedure for addressing the detection of foreign/unknown IDs.

    I cannot connect to my VR2W receiver. What should I do?

    If you are having trouble connecting to a receiver via Bluetooth first ensure that you are using the latest version of VUE Software and refer to the Bluetooth Troubleshooting Quick Guide.

  • Specifications
    Dimensions 308 mm long x 73 mm diameter
    Weight 1190 g in air, 50 g in water
    Power supply 1 – 3.6 V Lithium D cell battery
    Battery life Approximately 15 months
    Maximum depth 500 metres
    Receive frequency 69 kHz standard
    Storage Approximately 1.6-million detections (16 MBytes non-volatile flash memory)
    Approximately 1-million detections (8 MBytes non-volatile flash memory)
    Attachment Standard: cable ties
    Firmware Field upgradable receiver firmware
    Software VEMCO user Environment (VUE) software
    Transmitters Logs and decodes ALL Vemco 69 kHz transmitters
    Code maps Support for all current and planned Vemco code maps
  • Downloads

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